64 varieties of coffea Arabica in Germplasm for genetic improvement
A socioeconomically acceptable method of rehabilitating old coffee plantations with overgrown trees through coppicing at 30cm above ground level to rejuvinate old plants
Management techniques of plant geometry by de-capping to a height of 1.5m to facilitate harvesting
The use of half node stem cutting for propagating robusta coffee
Open rooted method of propagating and transporting stem cuttings of robusta coffee
A method of termite control on coffee by spraying the waste water from cassava processed for '' fufu'' production
Organic manure made from chromolaena odoratum (siam weed), cow dung, grasses and maize stovers as effective inorganic fertilizers
Dr. R.R. ipinmoroti Head, Tea & Coffee Research This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. +2348078467448